B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas identification nambo beach ​

identification nambo beach ​


Nambo Beach is a mainstay tourist attraction in Southeast Sulawesi Province. This beach is located in Abeli Subdistrict, approximately 12 kilometers from the city center of Kendari. The smooth white sand beach along the shoreline with this sloping condition is one of the favorite attractions in Kendari city which is visited by many tourists. Not only local tourists, often foreign tourists also stop and enjoy the beauty of this beach.

Nambo Beach has waves that are not too big, so tourists can swim around the beach. Besides swimming, tourists can also play sand on the beach, walk around the beach, sunbathing on the sand while enjoying the breeze that blows and jokes jokes with friends or family.

Another attraction of these tourist attractions is the existence of a nyiur tree that grows along the coast. These trees are often used as shelter from the hot sun. Besides being useful as a shelter, this nyur tree by locals is also used to increase their income, by selling fruit from the nyurur tree.

The facilities in this tourist attraction are quite adequate, such as the number of innns with varied prices, food stalls, public toilets, gazebo-gazebos that stand along the coast, souvenir shops and parking lots that are quite extensive.

To get to this tourist attraction if from Kendari City can be achieved by using motorized vehicles if by land route or using fishing boats if they pass the sea. The travel time to go to this tourist attraction is around 15 minutes.


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